The Aarne-Thompson-Uther Index is a classification numeric system created to group similar folktales from different cultures, created by Finnish folklorist Antti Aarne (1867-1925) in 1910 and latter revised and expanded by American folklorist Stith Thompson (1885-1976) in 1928 and by German folklorist Hans-Jörg Uther in 2004. 1 Animal Tales 2 Magic Tales 2.1 Supernatural Adversaries (300-399


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A Classifcation and Bibliography.

Source: Uther 2004, Vol 1: 5-6; Uther 2004, Vol 2: 5-6. ~ೞ⬯ೞ~ From the Introduction to the Latest Folktale Catalogue. Hans-Jörg Uther (1944-) is Professor of German Literature at the University of Duisburg-Essen, a senior member of the editorial staff of the Enzyklopädie des Märchens, Göttingen, and the former editor of the series "Die Märchen der Weltliteratur".

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Aarne–thompson–uther index pdf

La classificazione delle Fiabe secondo l'Indice Aarne-Thompson Questa è la tabella, in pdf: Classificazione universale delle fiabe popolari di magia. di Aarne-Thompson e va sotto il nome di sistema Aarne-Thompson-Uther o ATU.

Aarne–thompson–uther index pdf

16 Mar 2021 Avant d'imprimer votre mémoire pensez à le convertir en PDF. Such are the joys of the Aarne-Thompson Uther Tale Type Index, a massive  Template:Rewrite The Aarne–Thompson classification systems are indices used to Index (cataloged by AT or AaTh numbers), and the Aarne–Thompson–Uther. Aarne, Thompson and Uther's ―tale types‖ such as the Cinderella, Abbreviation found before ―tale type‖ number in Aarne-Thompson-Uther Index of Tale. Thompson översatte och utvidgade Aarnes arbete i en första version 1924, reviderad 1961, kallat AT-systemet omväxlande med AaTh-systemet. Uther  Stith Thompson (7 mars 1885 - 10 januari 1976) var en amerikansk folklorist . Han är "Thompson" i Aarne – Thompson – Uther Index , som  I Fosters och Tolberts antologi nämndes Stith Thompson och hans Motif Index of Folk- 2 Kategoriseringssystemet kallas för "the Aarne-Thompson Classification systems" eller "the Aarne-Thompson-. Uther Classification Systems".

Aarne–thompson–uther index pdf

Curated and compiled from several sources by Shawn Publisher: Oxford University Press Print Publication Date: 2015 Print ISBN-13: 9780199689828 Published online: 2015 Current Online Version: 2015 eISBN: 9780191769504 To remedy these shortcomings Uther developed the Aarne-Thompson-Uther classification (ATU number) system, and includes international folktales in the expanded listing.

– ATU - Aarne-Thompson-Uther classication of tale types resources in html or pdf format. audience, the Aarne-Thompson indices have, and are now in their third iteration called the Aarne-Thompson-Uther Tale Type Index (Uther 2009).

The ATU Index is the product of a series of revisions and   14 Nov 2006 Thompson-Uther and Vladamir Propp) and show the rules and principles of indexing 2005, <> (11 October Antii Aarne (The Motif-Index) and Stith Thompson (The Tale Uther's revision of the famous tale-type index is that it is a the third revision ( ATU for Aarne-Thompson-. Uther), is a vast improvement on the second revision   Abstract: The Aarne-Thompson-Uther index contains rich data on the tale rep- ertoire of the main a whole, these   Here's a link to the full database: .
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To remedy these shortcomings Uther developed the Aarne–Thompson–Uther classification (ATU number) [4] system and included international folktales in this expanded listing. Response The tale type index was criticized by Vladimir Propp of the Formalist school of the 1920s for ignoring the functions of the motifs by which they are classified.

BETALNING I often generate reports from pdfLaTeX using TeXworks, and would like to generate a document index, which will appear in the sidebar of a PDF viewer, (e.g. evince, Adobe Reader). Unless indicated otherwise, the text in this article is either based on Wikipedia article "Aarne–Thompson–Uther Index" or another language Wikipedia page thereof used under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License; or on research by Jahsonic and friends.


Användarna söker igenom PDF-dokument med inbäddade index på samma sätt som de söker igenom dem utan index. Det krävs inga andra åtgärder. Obs! Med december 2018-versionen av Acrobat DC och Acrobat Reader DC används inte längre det inbäddade indexet i PDF-filen för sökning.

This list on this page (below) employs the 1961 AaTh index as released by Thompson. Aarne–Thompson index Quick Reference Shorthand for The Types of the Folktale, the classification system for international folk tales developed and first published in 1910 by the Finnish folklorist Antti Aarne under the title Verzeichnis is a platform for academics to share research papers. To remedy these shortcomings Uther developed the Aarne–Thompson–Uther classification (ATU number) [4] system and included international folktales in this expanded listing.