May 19, 2016 Stig Ollmar · Simon Grant.


With Nevisense, SciBase has developed an innovative method for improving accuracy in the detection of malignant melanoma. Utilizing Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), applied as a harmless electrical signal to the skin, Nevisense is able to provide a reliable, objective analysis of suspicious lesions which complements the physician’s regular clinical evaluations.

Nevisense by Scibase Nevisense is an advanced diagnostic support tool that helps your doctor gather deeper information about the sub-surface cellular changes that are signs of skin cancer. STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, - April 12, 2021 - SciBase Holding AB ("SciBase") [STO:SCIB], a leading developer of augmented intelligence-based solutions for skin disorders, announced today the publication of a new clinical study supporting SciBase's strategy to develop multiple clinical applications for the Nevisense and Nevisense Go platforms. About Scibase Nevisense Malignant Melanoma Skin cancer Increased diagnostic accuracy in the detection of malignant melanoma and other skin diseases Founded in 1998, SciBase AB is a Swedish medical technology company, headquartered in Stockholm, that has developed a unique point of care device for the accurate detection of malignant melanoma. Nevisense Scibase Markets Sales representatives Nevisense is now commercially available in Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Australia, Austria, Switzerland, Nordic markets, and the US. For more information regarding sales and ordering in these markets either e-mail us at or contact one of our representatives below: Nevisense by Scibase Nevisense is an advanced diagnostic support tool that helps your doctor gather deeper information about the sub-surface cellular changes that are signs of skin cancer.

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Nevisense 3.0 is the most important update so far to the Nevisense melanoma detection product. It is much easier to use, easier to learn and the time to perform the measurement is much more standardized. Key Improvements in Nevisense 3.0 About SciBase and Nevisense SciBase AB is a global medical technology company based in Stockholm, Sweden that develops unique point-of-care devices for the evaluation of skin disorders such as skin cancer and atopic dermatitis. SciBase's first product, Nevisense, helps clinicians detect melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer. 1 day ago SciBase's product Nevisense for melanoma detection was one of the first AI-based products approved within medicine. Nevisense Go is the next generation of that product platform and builds on the experience that SciBase has gained in over 100,000 clinical patient tests.

2021-04-09 SciBase meddelar idag att US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) har godkänt SciBase Pre-Market Approval (PMA) för bolagets produkt Nevisense. Nevisense är SciBase instrument för tidig upptäckt av malignt melanom. Med marknadsgodkännandet kan SciBase nu börja marknadsföra och sälja Nevisense på den amerikanska marknaden.

About SciBase and Nevisense SciBase AB is a global medical technology company based in Stockholm, Sweden that develops unique point-of-care devices for the evaluation of skin disorders such as skin cancer and atopic dermatitis. SciBase's first product, Nevisense, helps clinicians detect melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer.

A new clinical study evaluating the  Scibase lanserar det handhållna och bärbara instrumentet Nevisense Go. Produkten är baserad på bolagets nya teknologiplattform och är en uppföljare till  Redeye ser positivt på att SciBase nu lanserar sitt första instrument baserat på sin nya teknologiplattform. Denna första version av Nevisense  Nevisense-mätningen korrelerade också med relevanta biomarkörer för atopisk dermatit. SIAF, baserade i Davos, är världsledande inom  År 2014 lanserade Stockholmsbaserade Scibase sin första produkt, Nevisense.

Scibase nevisense

The Nevisense method, which uses small electrical impulses to detect cellular irregularities beneath the skin's surface, is proven in the world's largest melanoma 

Scibase nevisense

Om SciBase och Nevisense.

Scibase nevisense

Nevisense by Scibase Nevisense is an advanced diagnostic support tool that helps your doctor gather deeper information about the sub-surface cellular changes that are signs of skin cancer. STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, - April 12, 2021 - SciBase Holding AB ("SciBase") [STO:SCIB], a leading developer of augmented intelligence-based solutions for skin disorders, announced today the publication of a new clinical study supporting SciBase's strategy to develop multiple clinical applications for the Nevisense and Nevisense Go platforms. About Scibase Nevisense Malignant Melanoma Skin cancer Increased diagnostic accuracy in the detection of malignant melanoma and other skin diseases Founded in 1998, SciBase AB is a Swedish medical technology company, headquartered in Stockholm, that has developed a unique point of care device for the accurate detection of malignant melanoma. Nevisense Scibase Markets Sales representatives Nevisense is now commercially available in Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Australia, Austria, Switzerland, Nordic markets, and the US. For more information regarding sales and ordering in these markets either e-mail us at or contact one of our representatives below: Nevisense by Scibase Nevisense is an advanced diagnostic support tool that helps your doctor gather deeper information about the sub-surface cellular changes that are signs of skin cancer. About SciBase and Nevisense SciBase AB is a Swedish medical technology company, headquartered in Stockholm that has developed and sells a unique point-of-care device for evaluation of skin SciBase's product Nevisense for melanoma detection was one of the first AI-based products approved within medicine. Nevisense Go is the next generation of that product platform and builds on the experience that SciBase has gained in over 100,000 clinical patient tests. About SciBase and Nevisense.
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Produkten baserar på omfattande forskning, och i den största kliniska studien som SciBase announced the outcome of the exercise of warrants of series TO1. In total 91.4% of the warrants were subscribed for at a price of SEK 1.75 , raising MSEK 30 net.Nevisense Go, SciBase's next generation handheld platform, was released at the end of October.

A new clinical study from Germany including nearly 1,000 patients confirms the value of Nevisense when used to evaluate suspected Non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) The study publication is an important milestone in SciBase's strategy to broaden the areas of use and potential markets for Nevisense A breakthrough method for melanoma detection. Doctor. Patient Nevisense 3.0 Nevisense 3.0 is the most important update so far to the Nevisense melanoma detection product. It is much easier to use, easier to learn and the time to perform the measurement is much more standardized.
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Nevisense 3.0. Nevisense 3.0 is the most important update so far to the Nevisense melanoma detection product. It is much easier to use, easier to learn and the time to perform the measurement is much more standardized.

Medical device company SciBase said today it won FDA pre-market approval for its Nevisense device designed for the early detection  Sep 1, 2015 According to SciBase, the addition of Nevisense, which uses Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) to categorize cellular structures and  May 1, 2020 The FDA has granted approval to an electrical impedance spectroscopy system ( EIS), Nevisense 3.0, the third-generation of the SciBase  1 day ago STOCKHOLM, April 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- SciBase Holding AB ('SciBase') [ STO:SCIB], a leading developer of augmented  SciBase, the manufacturer of Nevisense® provides necessary useful effectiveness of EIS, with the title: “Clinical performance of the Nevisense system in  Sep 29, 2020 We are making considerable progress in transforming SciBase from a single We have seen a return of the market for Nevisense tests in both  Efter en grundlig forskning på Karolinska Institutet har SciBase har tagit fram Nevisense, ett icke invasivt, kompletterande diagnostikverktyg för att objektivt  The agreement will provide ADCS practices with Nevisense, the only FDA approved melanoma detection system,for the analysis of patients' atypical moles at point  Mar 30, 2016 The sales and marketing effort of SciBase's melanoma detection product Nevisense will initially be focused on the nearly 400 dermatologists  Jul 5, 2017 SciBase, a Swedish firm, won FDA approval to introduce its Nevisense system to help dermatologists assess suspect cutaneous lesions that  Nov 10, 2020 The early versions of EIS (Nevisense, SciBase AB, Stockholm, Sweden) were used by the cosmetic industry and researchers to investigate  13 maj 2020 Bolagets första produkt, Nevisense, fokuserar på detektion av malignt melanom, den farligaste formen av hudcancer. I april erhöll Nevisense 3.0  Description. SciBase Holding AB is a medical technology company that develops and sells cancer diagnostics instruments.

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About Scibase Nevisense Malignant Melanoma Skin cancer Increased diagnostic accuracy in the detection of malignant melanoma and other skin diseases Founded in 1998, SciBase AB is a Swedish medical technology company, headquartered in Stockholm, that has developed a unique point of care device for the accurate detection of malignant melanoma.

08  SciBase är därför mycket nöjda med att kunna meddela att bolagets CPT III-kodansökan för Nevisense melanomdetektionstest godkändes vid  SCIBASE Ytterligare studie stödjer användningen av Nevisense. Du är fullt ansvarig för dina egna investeringar, och du kan förlora hela ditt satsade kapital. Scibase Nevisense 3.0 FDA godkänd USA-marknaden är öppen När vi nu går in i slutet av Oktober innebär det den efterlängtade lanseringen av Nevisense  K-mit har skapat såväl webbdesign som en komplett webbplats åt Medtech-företaget Scibase.