Markprovtagning och markanalyser av förråds-P (P-HCl), växttillgänglig P (PAL), P-frigörelse (P-CaCl2), markens P-bindningskapacitet, samt Cs-137- analyser 


Figur 1 illustrerar den nedåtgående trenden av aktivitetsutsläpp (Bq/år) av. Co-60 samt Cs-137 från Barsebäcksverket över en längre tidsserie.

Cs-134. 104. 10. Cs-135. 107.

Cs 137

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1 2002-01-01 Caesium-137 (137 55 Cs), or radiocaesium, is a radioactive isotope of caesium that is formed as one of the more common fission products by the nuclear fission of uranium-235 and other fissionable isotopes in nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. Cs-137 is used in small amounts for calibration of radiation-detection equipment, such as Geiger-Mueller counters. In larger amounts, Cs-137 is used in medical radiation therapy devices for treating cancer; in industrial gauges that detect the flow of liquid through pipes; and in other industrial devices to measure the thickness of materials, such as paper, photographic film, or sheets of metal. Variationen över ett år för 137 Cs i rådjur är mycket stor. Halterna stiger kraftigt i augusti–oktober för att sedan minska igen under vinter-vår-sommar. Förklaringen till denna variation är födointaget, som på sensommaren och hösten till stor del består av svamp vilken har betydligt högre halter 137 Cs än de födoämnen som dominerar resten av året.


2011-01-18 · Calibration source nuclide: Cs-137 Radiological Calibration – Exposure Rate 33 Specific gamma ray constant: 0.32 R m2 h-1 Ci-1 Decay corrected activity of calibration source 1: 25 Ci Decay corrected activity of calibration source 2: 100 Ci Attenuator factor: 8.56

We hope our 137 Cs deposition maps will help to coordinate decontamination efforts and plan regulatory measures in Japan. Radiocesium (Cs-137) does not occur naturally on earth, it is exclusively anthropogenic in origin for example through nuclear fission. GLOBAL FALLOUT Through atomic bomb testing since 1945 radioactive fission products have artificially entered and spread worldwide throughout the atmosphere.

Cs 137

Cesium-137: A Deadly Hazard Colin Wessells March 20, 2012 Submitted as coursework for PH241, Stanford University, Winter 2012 Introduction. Among the many fission product nuclides, cesium 137 deserves attention because it possesses a unique combination of …

Cs 137

Sealed Cs-137 sources are used for a wide range of medical and industrial applications all over the world. The design of a sealed radioactive source generally consists of a cylindrical stainless steel capsule with the radioactive core inside. Some sources are manufactured with a double capsule design for safety purpose. Because of the long half The present work is the first island-wide soil study of Cs-137 contamination in Jamaica, and hence the first baseline data for Cs-137. A total of 68 surfical soil samples were randomly collected and measured with high resolution gamma-ray spectrometer, resulting in 61 samples showing activity levels above the limit of detection, for the artificial radioisotope fission product Cs-137. Cs-137 is present at levels at least 1-2 orders of magnitude above levels expected from older atmospheric weapons tests and the Chernobyl accident in every one of these samples.

Cs 137

Den dominerande nukliden är Cs-137 vilken i huvudsak härrör från. Tjernobylnedfallet. Landmiljön: Små mängder av Co-60 har detekterats i  Då aska som innehåller 137Cs utnyttjas för framställning av betong för husproduktion, ska man dessutom försäkra sig om att exponeringen från alla radioaktiva  Vid mätning från markytan mäts även cesium-137 (Cs-137), se anm. Mätningen är utförd med gammaspektrometer Georadis GT-40.
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av E Hallqvist · 2013 — Radioactive caesium (137Cs) in wild boars (Sus scrofa) from areas in Nyckelord: Cs-137, vildsvin, vildsvinskött, Tjernobylolyckan, radioekologi, strålning.

Radioactive half-life. 30.2 years. Principal emission beta/ gamma (512 keV/662 keV).

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Cesium-137 (137 Cs) is a radioisotope that has been used in both interstitial and intracavitary brachytherapy. Although Cs-137 decays via beta – decay, it is the daughter nuclide’s subsequent gamma emissions that are responsible for most dose when used as an enclosed source in cancer treatment.

Larger Cs-137 sources are enclosed in lead containers (such as long tubes that are closed at each end) or small round metal containers.